The other day before I visited my ENT doctor, I prayed something like, "Dear God, please restore my hearing." This is related to the fact I suffered permanent hearing loss from chemo treatments in 2006. I was hoping to hear news about a revolutionary new surgery which would relinquish me of the burden of wearing hearing aids at times. Then, it dawned on me how I had misplaced my request to my Heavenly Father. It was not "my" hearing. I didn't create it. I really had no part in its function from the beginning. As a matter of fact, I couldn't take any credit for my hearing, vision, sense of smell, sense of taste or any of the functions of my body. These wonderful creations were all loaned to me by a loving God who created everything.
The Bible describes it in this way. "For Thou didst form my inward parts; Thou didst weave me in my mother's womb" (Psalms 139:13). It wasn't evolution, it wasn't chance. My body was created by God, no doubt about it. In addition, in a peculiar way, God even takes credit for what we call "handicaps". For example, in Exodus 4:11 God says, "Who has made man's mouth? Or who makes him dumb or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I, the Lord?" Even though the hearing loss with chemotherapy caught me by surprise, it was somehow part of God's plan for me.
So, as I struggle on a daily basis trying to understand conversations, trying to follow dialogue on television with closed captioning, etc., I have to continue to entrust my body to God's loving care to accomplish His purposes in me. For "every one who is called by My name....I have created for My glory..." (Isaiah 43:7). If He chooses to restore my hearing, I'll praise Him. If He doesn't restore my hearing, although I may not understand it, I will yet praise Him. My infirmities will ultimately lead to God's glory.
Hence, who's in charge? Definitely not me, and seeing how I usually mess up most things in my life, that's probably a good thing.
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