Sunday, October 12, 2014

Raising The Bar

I've seen a few scattered bumper stickers around town on several vehicles.  One is a round sticker with the number "13.1" in the center.  Another is a similar sticker with "26.2" in the middle.  Although some people may not have the foggiest idea what these numbers mean, since I am a runner, I know exactly what these stickers are saying.

First of all, "26.2" is the length of a typical running marathon or 26.2 miles.  On the other hand, "13.1" is the length of a half marathon (which I ran twice in my pre-cancer days).   Those who put these stickers on their cars are obviously runners such as I and are proud to have completed a marathon or a half-marathon.

However, I saw another sticker the other day which looked very similar on a car in the parking lot at work.  Yet, in the center of this sticker was "0.0".  I looked a little closer to the sticker and noticed in small letters below the numbers "0.0" were the words "I do not run".

I guess this person, while making fun of runners, is proud to be an underachiever.  Although I don't really know this person, it could be just an example of how they have lowered the bar of success in their life.  You know, don't really strive for anything, don't really shoot for anything extraordinary in life, being content to just be mediocre.  As I heard someone say, "If you aim for nothing, you'll hit it every time."

Hence, I believe in raising the bar, not lowering it.  I may aim for the moon and not get there.  Yet, it may be amazing actually how far I might can get off the ground if I set my goals high.


1 comment:

  1. Davy, you have been nominated for the “One Lovely Blog Award.” Read more about it at
