Sunday, February 24, 2013

Getting Your Bearings

I went out jogging in my neighborhood the other night.  I probably should have run earlier in the day, but I got busy doing other activities.  Nevertheless, I felt compelled to exercise, even though it was close to ten o'clock at night.  As I was jogging, I was amazed at the wonder of the stars.  Even though I don't know too much about the heavenly bodies, I was able to discern the Little Dipper on the left side of my street, whereas the Big Dipper could be seen easily on the right side.  I remember hearing as a child how you can find the North Star just by drawing a straight line from one side of the Big Dipper and following this imaginary line in the sky.  Sure enough, the North Star was not too far behind (or should I say in front).

Seeing the Big Dipper reminded me of a song or poem I heard was composed during the Civil War.  Apparently, the Big Dipper was known as "the drinking gourd' to the slaves.  As runaway slaves travelled north to escape oppression in the south, the drinking gourd and the North Star showed them the way to freedom.  The song, "Follow The Drinking Gourd"  expresses the way to freedom in this manner:

When the sun goes back and the first quail calls
Follow the drinking gourd
The old man is a-waitin' for to carry you to freedom
Follow the drinking gourd

Follow the drinking gourd, follow the drinking gourd
For the old man is a-waitin' to carry you to freedom
Follow the drinking gourd

The river bed makes a mighty fine road,
Dead trees to show you the way
And it's left foot, peg foot, traveling on
Follow the drinking gourd


The river ends between two hills
Follow the drinking gourd
There's another river on the other side
Follow the drinking gourd


I thought I heard the angels say
Follow the drinking gourd
The stars in the heavens gonna show you the way
Follow the drinking gourd


You can hear this song on You Tube at:

It's a great song with a great message.  Furthermore, it doesn't only apply to slavery.  As we are going through life, when going through trials, perhaps the best way to overcome them is to keep looking north.  Consequently, our ultimate deliverance doesn't come from the North Star but the "bright morning star" (Revelations 22:16).  As the late Jack Horkheimer (also known as "The Star Hustler") used to say on his astronomy show on PBS, "keep looking up".          


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