Driving down a highway this morning in my old neighborhood, I noticed an interesting site. What used to be a viable shopping district has turned into an area of multiple pawn shops and "get cash quick" type stores, utilizing your car title as a security deposit. Some of these stores were even next door to each other, thus accentuating the need in this area. It reminded me how people will do practically anything to get money, for example, sometimes trading in possessions, sometimes doing illegal actions, whatever, to survive financially. I know I once had a garage sale to try to procure a few bucks, but it didn't really amount to much.
So, as anyone can see, money is oh so important in this life. As a result, people endure the hardships of long working hours and lifetimes of labor in order to get money to purchase houses, cars, comforts and most importantly, food. In relation to this, I too have been a part of the work force for many, many years. Yet, I still have roughly another fourteen years or so of the daily rigors of employment before I can retire. Don't get me wrong. There are certainly joys in my occupation, but, on the other hand, there is a reason people call employment, "work". Sometimes it is not fun, but strenuous mental and physical labor.
However, there are some things that are more important than money. For example, I've heard the expression, "If you have your health, you have everything". So true. As a matter of fact, some people would be willing to pay or do anything in order to get their health back.
So, if you are healthy, be grateful. A healthy body is more valuable than a healthy bank account or personal possessions. You see, once your health fades, there is nothing that compares with the enormity of the loss. Even though I've been cured of cancer, I still grieve over the irreparable damage it has inflicted upon me.
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