Thursday, July 28, 2016

Getting Your Rhythm

It's always hard to start running, especially if I have worked a lot during the week.  I'm  tired, my body is sluggish, I'd much rather stay home and watch TV, but I have to keep pressing forward.  Why?  Because I know its the right thing to do.  I want to stay healthy.  I want to keep my weight down.  I don't want to feel guilty when I eat like a pig. 

So, I begin my run, leaving the cold beverages and air conditioner behind.  It's tough at first, then something happens, not necessarily every time I run, but on occasion.  Amazingly, I start to develop a running rhythm.  You could say my body turns on "auto pilot".  I no longer have to think about the next step--my body just keeps moving and the steps become more fluent.

Come to think of it, there are some things in life we should do automatically, almost without giving them any thought.  These are actions and attitudes we should do whether we are in good or bad health, rich or poor, happy or sad, you get the picture,  In other words, this is the "auto pilot" of life. 

Micah 6:2 describes what should come naturally to someone who loves the Lord.  This verse proclaims, " He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? "

Do justice, love kindness, walk humbly with your God.  As a bare minimum in life, these things  should be our "auto-pilot".  Ready to throw the switch? 

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Leaving A Legacy

I recently attended the American Association of Nurse Practitioners Conference in San Antonio.  It was my first trip ever to San Antonio.  To my delight, my hotel was only about three blocks away from The Alamo.  Every day I either walked or took a shuttle bus about four or five blocks to the Henry Gonzalez Convention Center.  However, as I walked back to my hotel, I always made an effort to visit The Alamo every day.  Some days I would just sit outside and meditate.  One day I took a brief tour of the facility.  Yet, viewing The Alamo was such a tremendous blessing.  Something about the way the warm Texas sun shines on the building is breathtaking. 

As you may recall from history, Texas was trying to secede from Mexico in the 1800's.  The Alamo, initially a Spanish mission, subsequently became a fort for the Texas Army.  After several weeks of fighting, the powerful army of Santa Anna took The Alamo on March 6, 1836 from some brave soldiers, killing all of the defenders, including William Travis, Samuel Bowie and Davy Crockett.  After this massacre, the cry of "Remember the Alamo" rang throughout the land as the Texans ultimately gained their freedom.

Hence, The Alamo is a somber place, almost like a cemetery, the site of the final days of some brave men.  As a matter of fact, as you enter The Alamo, tourists are encouraged to treat the site in a reverent manner.  No cell phones, no pictures, but to treat the area with the utmost respect.

Within The Alamo is a plaque which lists all of the men who died and their home states.  Some were even from England.  Yet, I got to thinking about these men.  Surely they weren't perfect and had made many mistakes in their lives.  However, they finished strong.  Even though they were overwhelmed by an outnumbered Mexican Army, they fought to the deaths and their legacy remains.

So, what is your legacy?  What will people remember of your time on earth?  I would hope that people would remember me as one who loved the Lord Jesus and one who fought battles (such as cancer) with all of my heart.  I pray that my life, my writings and my influence will forever shine as The Alamo in the Texas sun.

Paul describes dealing with battles in this way, "... we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body"  (II Corinthians 4:8-10). 

Remember the Alamo!!!!