I can tell the days are getting shorter. Last week I went running around 6:30PM. Usually I run for about an hour and get back to my car around sunset. However, on this occasion, as I was still a good distance from my vehicle, nightfall was rapidly approaching. So, I had to complete the latter part of the run in the dark, probably not such a good idea since I run on a busy thoroughfare. In addition, I run on the shoulder of the road which is covered with small rocks and debris, e.g. beer cans, miscellaneous litter that has been thrown from people's cars, etc.. Hence, it is helpful to see exactly what lies ahead when I'm running in the dark.
As cars passed me from behind, I noticed their headlights shone about twenty five yards in front of me and this gave me a quick glance of what the road conditions were like ahead. As a result, I went from point to point, allowing the headlights to help me continue on my run without incident.
It dawned on me that I didn't need the whole street lit to finish the run. I just needed enough light to carry me a little farther down the road. Eventually I made it to my car without any problems.
How true this is in life. Sometimes we don't need to know the big picture so to speak. We just need to see what the immediate next step is. I remember in the movie, "Coal Miners' Daughter", there was a great line from Loretta Lynn's husband as he was trying to get her first record played at different radio stations. He said something like, "The next thing we need to do is figure out the next thing to do". He was learning as he went along, trying to get Loretta in the recording business. Eventually, a trip to the Grand Ole Opry ensued and Loretta Lynn's career really took off.
So, what is the next thing I need to do? I'm not talking about ten years down the road. What do I need to do this month, this week or maybe even tomorrow? What are the headlights showing me for now? If I take the immediate steps, then eventually I'll make it farther down the road.
"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path". Psalms 119:105
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