Thursday, March 24, 2016

Read Your Bible

I've been privileged to write two books, "A Place I Didn't Want To Go: My Victory Over Cancer" and "Glorified Sickness: Honoring God Through Illness."  I am always thrilled when I hear from someone who has read one of my books.  Just last week, I got a phone call from an elderly gentleman who had read my first book and absolutely loved it. His wife also called me and was also very complimentary.  Nevertheless, these phone calls made my day.

After all of the research, all of the many hours writing and editing, the time meeting with the publisher, basically the extreme effort it involves in writing a book, it is thrilling to discover that it touches someone in some way.  It's great to write a book or's even better to find out someone has actually read them and were moved in a special way.

Come to think of it, there is even greater book which is probably found in most people's households.  It has a much better author than myself, the topic is much more interesting, and its words are eternal.  I'm talking about the Bible, the greatest book ever written.  Just as I enjoy it when others read my books, how it must please the Heavenly Father when his creation reads His written word.

Hence, in whatever situation which confronts us, perhaps the best advice is to read (and live out ) the Bible, "fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith." (Hebrews 12:2).